标准制冷量 | 30 |
电流 | 20A |
风扇 | 1.5KW |
功率 | 30KW |
规格 | 900*1500*900MM |
计量单位 | 台 |
结构类型 | 螺杆式 |
类型 | 螺杆式冷水机 |
外形尺寸 | 900*1500*900 |
应用领域 | 化工、食品、机械加工 |
重量 | 860 |
型号 | WHLS-40HP |
加工定制 | 是 |

▲ 螺杆式冷水机的主要控制参数为制冷性能系数,额定制冷量,输入功率以及制冷剂类型等。
▲ 冷水机组的选用应根据冷负荷及用途来考虑。对于低负荷运转工况时间较长的制冷系统,宜选用多机头活塞式压缩机组或螺杆式压缩机组,便于调节和节能。
▲ 选用冷水机组时,优先考虑性能系数值较高的机组。根据资料统计,一般冷水机组全年在**负荷下运行时间约占总运行时间的1/4以下。总运 行时间内**、75%、50%、25%负荷的运行时间比例大致为2.3%、41.5%、46.1%、10.1%。因此,在选用冷水机组时应优先考虑效率曲线比较平坦的机型。同时,在设计选用时应考虑冷水机组负荷的调节范围。多机头螺杆式冷水机组部分负荷性能优良,可根据实际情况选用。
▲ 选用冷水机组时,应注意名义工况的条件。冷水机组的 实际产冷量与下列因素有关:
▲ 选用冷水机组时,应注意该型号机组的正常工作范围,主要是主电机的电流限值是名义工况下的轴功率的电流值。
▲ 在设计选用中应注意:在名义工况流量下,冷水的出口温度不应超过15℃,风冷机组室外干球温度不应超过43℃。若必须超过上述范围时,应了解压缩机的使用范围是否允许,所配主电机的功率是否足够。
▲ Screw the main control parameters for the chiller cooling
coefficient of performance, the rated cooling capacity, input power and the
type of refrigerant.
▲ Chiller selection should be based on the cooling load
and use to consider.Low-load operation conditions for longer periods of time
cooling system,should use more head piston compressor or screw compressor, easy
to adjust and energy.
▲ Selection of chillers, priority is given a higher
coefficient of performance of the unit. According to statistics, the annual
general chillers running at ** load, the total time to run time of 1/4 or
less. The total running time of **, 75%, 50%, 25% load ratio of the running
time of roughly 2.3%, 41.5%, 46.1 %, 10.1 %. Therefore, the choice should be
given priority chillers relatively flat efficiency curve models. Meanwhile, the
selection should be considered in the design chiller load adjustment range.
Multi-head screw chiller part-load performance, can be selected according to
the actual situation.
▲ Selection of chillers, the state should pay attention
to volunteers conditions.
Actual chiller cooling capacity with the following factors:
A) cold water temperature and flow;
B) cooling water inlet temperature, flow, and fouling factor.
▲ Selection of chillers, the unit should be noted that
the model of the normal scope of work, mainly the main motor current limit is
the nominal operating conditions of the shaft power of the current value.
▲ Use in the design should pay attention: in the name
of flow conditions, the cold water outlet temperature should not exceed 15℃, the outdoor dry bulb temperature air-cooled unit should not exceed
43℃. If you need more than the above range, should be
aware of whether to allow the use of the compressor, the main motor with the
power is adequate.
▲ 机组采用智慧型微电脑触摸屏+PLC控制系统。
▲ 采用高效进口螺杆压缩机、选用**的蒸发器和冷凝器,采用先进加工工艺。
▲ 具有多种机组运行安全保护措施,保证机组运行及客户的安全。
▲ Unit using intelligent touch screen + PLC microcomputer control
▲ imported high-efficiency screw compressors, high
quality of the evaporator and condenser, using advanced processing technology.
▲ With a variety of units are safe and protection
measures to ensure the safety of plant operation and customers.