品诺制冷专业制造工业冷水机,自成立以来一直秉持着创新、卓越和诚信的原则,不断提升产品服务质量和产品性能,公司于2004年共同创立,初期,我们专注于提供制冷设备服务,随着市场的变化和客户需求的增长,我们不断扩展冷水机,螺杆机,磁悬浮冷水机,变频冷水机,冷暖机,油冷机,冷库,冷却塔等,现已涵盖了塑料业、电镀业、皮革业、印刷业、化工业、制药业、制鞋业、电子行业等多个领域,产品远销世界各地,我们将秉持初心,不断优化业务模式和产品线,与合作伙伴和客户共同成长。Pinocool Refrigeration specializes in manufacturing industrial chillers. Since its establishment, it has been adhering to the principles of innovation, excellence and integrity, and constantly improving product quality and product performance. The company was co-founded in 2004. Initial stage,we focused on providing refrigeration equipment services. With the changes in the market and the growth of customer demand, we continue to expand our product range: chillers, screw machines, magnetic levitation chillers, variable frequency chillers, he... [