佛山市顺德区铭鑫伟木工机械厂是一家专业制造与销售木工机械及配件的企业,主要生产实木机械、板式机械。一直以质量可靠、重合同、守信用从而获得广大用户的信赖. 公司秉承务实进取,充实自我,以质量保信誉,从实惠求挚客的宗旨,不断开发创新,采取标准化组织生产,使产品质量稳步提升。为用户提供操作简易、结构合理、质量可靠的各种木工机械。 铭鑫木工机械产品遍布华南、华东及东北等地区,更喜得外资厂商的青睐。铭鑫以秉承信守承诺,开诚布公的理念,与新老客户携手合作,共创美好明天!我们的进步,有赖您的支持。 Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of woodworking machinery enterprises, mainly produce solid wood machinery, plate machine. Has been reliable quality, heavy contract, keep promise to gain the trust of customers.'s Adhering to a pragmatic spirit, enrich themselves, to ensure quality and credibility, Zhi-off from the benefits the purpose of seeking to continuously develop innovative in adopting a standards organization of production, so that the product quality steadily. To provide ... [