佛山市建凯设备有限公司有着20年的生产经验,创始人热爱于机械行业。并专注于塑胶成型辅助设备的设计、 制造,销售及服务。公司坐落在佛山西站旁边,开车只需五分钟,交通方便。
本公司专业生产塑料搅拌机、立式搅拌机、塑料混料机、滚桶搅拌机、不锈钢搅拌机、螺旋上料机、弹簧上料机、 粉体搅拌机、搅拌干燥机、臣卜式搅拌机、食品上料机、搅拌烘干机、塑料拌料机、立式混色机、塑料混合机、大型立式 搅拌机等注塑机周边设备。我司经过多年的努力和研究,在搅拌粉末料这方面有了重大的突破。弓I得了很多客户的肯定, 特别是在国内市场备受欢迎。
近年来,随着市场的发展需要,我司重点研发从塑料的集中储存多渠道输送、高速搅拌、高效干燥以及混色、配合 塑料主机(挤岀机、注塑机、)进行自动化生产、包装。为客户实行了自动化生产一条龙从而大大降低劳动强度、减少了 劳力;从而打造出了高效益、节能、环保的生产模式。因此,得到了众多厂家的青睐。然而每年的出口率都以30%在增长。 比如马来西亚,印度尼西亚等。
公司服务宗旨不断创新为客户提供**,性价比高的产品与客户形成共赢发展的长期合作关系。佛山市建凯机 械设备有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈!
Fo**ankai Machinery and epuipment Co. Ltd. has 20 years of production experience in mechanicalindustry, founder of love. The design and manufacture, and focus on the plastic molding auxiliary equipment, salesand service. The company is located next to the Guangzhou South Railway Station, just five minutes drive, trafficis convenient.
The company is specialized in producing plastic mixer, vertical mixer, plastic mixing machine, mixer, mixer,stainless steel barrel spiral feeding machine, spring machine, powder mixer, mixing dryer, horizontal mixer, foodfeeding machine, mixing machine, plastic mixing dryer, vertical color mixer, plastic mixer large vertical injectionmolding machine, mixer and other peripheral equipment. Division I after years of hard work and research, in themixing of powder has made a major breakthrough in this aspect material. Attracted many customers certainly,especially popular in the domestic market.
This mixer can and feeding machine supporting the use of automatic feeding, feeding the highest height canreach 5 meters, saving manpower, convenient control and environmental protection. In order to achieve the goal of'Red Treasure presses to create greater productivity for customers" ideal.
In recent years, with the development of the market, our research focus from plastics centraliz