青岛国茂塑料机械有限公司是国内专业生产塑料机械的重点厂家之一,公司自成立以来,积极参与相关国际技术交流,并与国内相关高校有密切的技术合作。在激烈的市场竞争中,奋力进取,励精图治,并以“创新,负责,感恩,真诚,沟通”的经营理念,为客户提供优质的产品,周到的服务,因而深受国内外客户信赖。所开发生产的产品畅销全国各地并销往东南亚、中东、中亚、俄罗斯、非洲及南美等国家和地区。 以市场为导向,以质量求生存,以诚信求发展,生产一流的产品,提供一流的服务是“国茂”人永恒不变的追求。Qingdao guomao plastic machinery co., ltd is one of the best manufacturers of plastic machine in china.we exchange our technic with related international company and get closed relationship with university in china. We are up-and-coming to provide our customer good quality products and circumspect service with “innovation, responsibility, faith and communication” to get the trust from our customer. Our products are moved off in local market and also have been exported to southeast asia, middle east, Russia, Africa and ... [