广祥模具有限公司于2003年正式注册;前身为广祥工模厂,创立于1987年,专业从事模具制造,经过多年来不断创新发展,公司由创立初期厂房面积不到300平方米,员工仅十多名,发展至今天厂房面积达13000多平方米和超过500名员工组成的完美的,专业的团队,并已通过ISO9001质量体系认证! 公司部门及设施完善;更汇聚了业界精英人才,有一流的管理人员、专业设计师、工程师、工模技师等等。总结了多年积累的丰富经验,新技术和先进设备的运用,选用优质钢材。从手板制作到模具生产直至试模期间的每一个工序都有严格的监测,及时发现并解决问题,保证了交货期及产品质量,并提供更完善优质的售后服务,解决客户在生产上出现的麻烦,协助提高产能,从而提高了效率缩短了生产周期,增强客户企业的竞争力和声誉。Officially registerated in 2003 succeeded from KwongCheung Mould Factory funded in 1987s;Specializing in Mould designing & manufacturing fileds;Over 500 employees currently compared with 10s in the begingging;Over 13,000 Square Meters of company sites up till present;Successfully passed Internaitional ISO9001 Quality system audits in 2006s;As a typical SME style company, KCM knew only through constant developments and innovations in order to be survived out. Then in the beginging of registerations, KCM addressed itself as a pioneer in the relevant industries and took everything from the long-run attidude both in business directions and daily running routines; With time being, nowadays,Running a business in such a vigorous competitive markets both domestic and global.